Monday, January 26, 2009

Graphics I: Associated Word List of the Associated Word List

Design: Transitive and intransitive verb to make a detailed plan of the form or structure of something, emphasizing features such as its appearance, convenience, and efficient functioning. To plan and make something in a skillful or artistic way. The process, techniques, or art of designing things

Form: the shape or structure of a thing that gives it its distinctive character, considered apart from its content, color, texture, or composition

Structure: a system or organization made up of interrelated parts functioning as a whole

Plan: to work out in advance how something is to be done or organized

Feature: a part of something that distinguishes it

Technique: the way in which the basics of something such as an artistic work or a sport are treated

Skillful: requiring or done with specialized techniques and abilities developed over a period of time

Conceptualize: o arrive at a concept or generalization as a result of things seen, experienced, or believed. to picture, imagine, or perceive something

Concept: something that somebody has thought up, or that somebody might be able to imagine

Arrive: to reach a place after coming from another place. to be delivered or brought to somebody or something

utilize: to make use of something, or find a practical or effective use for something.

Use: put something into action or service for some purpose

Practical: appropriate, sensible, and likely to be effective. good at managing matters and dealing with problems and difficulties

Effective: causing a result, especially the desired or intended result/ successful, especially in producing a strong or favorable impression on people

Material: the tools and other things needed to perform a particular task

Tools: an object designed to do a specific kind of work such as cutting or chopping by directing manually applied force or by means of a motor/ something used in the course of somebody's everyday work

Task: a piece of work or an assignment, especially one that is important or difficult

Thought: an idea, plan, conception, or opinion produced

Idea : the objective or purpose of a project or plan/ a summary or the essential concept of something such as a book, report, project, or plan

Conception: a general understanding of something/ a result of thought, e.g. an idea, invention, or plan

Opinion: an expert assessment of something
Mental activity

Medium: a means of conveying ideas or information

Convey: to communicate or express something/ to have something as a meaning or connotation

Connection: the joining together of two or more people, things, or parts. a linking association between people, things, or events

Together: interacting, communicating, or in a relationship with one another/ cooperating with one another or by joint or combined effort/ indicates that two or more things are put into contact with one another, or unite to form a single whole/ in or into a unified structure or a coherent integrated whole

Association: a group of people or organizations joined together for a purpose/ coming together and social interaction between people

Link: something that ties, connects, or relates two or more things. to connect, join, or associate somebody or something with another, or become joined with another

Associate: joined with others on an equal or nearly equal basis/ to allow yourself to be connected with somebody or something, or voluntarily connect yourself with somebody or something

Growth: the process of becoming larger and more mature through natural development. in the process of expanding or developing, especially rapidly

Mature: showing qualities gained by development and experience

Develop: to change and become larger, stronger, or more impressive, successful, or advanced, or cause somebody or something to change in this way/ to arise and then increase or progress to a more complex state

Process: a series of actions directed toward a specific aim

Actions: the process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose/ the way in which something functions, or the effect it produces

Specific: precise and detailed, avoiding vagueness/ with individual qualities that allow a distinction to be made or make a distinction necessary

Aim: a plan to do or achieve something

Purpose: the desire or the resolve necessary to accomplish a goal

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