Sunday, April 12, 2009

I watched a video on David Carsons' magazine layout work. He mentions that he tries to interpret the article or the title in the way he lays them out. And since when he was doing his earlier works, he wasn't getting paid very much and he had complete freedom to print whatever he made. This made him create every thing like it was his last. He also mentions that with the computer age that designers have to be more subjective than ever, and you have to put more in it from you as a person. If I could ask him any question, I think I would ask what strengths he used the most in his early career, was it aesthetics, or hierarchy, or something else?

2nd I saw a video on Paula Scher who spoke about her logos signage and posters. I realy like her work, I am a sucker for HUGE TYPE. She said that she was told to illustrate using type, which I found helpful. I like that she doesn't use a lot of process, things just come to her, if they don't the first or even the second time, she's not going to get it at all. Her posters for the public theater in NYC ended up becoming a popular style for the area. I am not sure what I would ask her, but I would probably try to strike up a conversation about why HUGE TYPE is so awesome.

And last I watched James Victore. He makes political andcultural refernces in his graphics, that is what he says graphic design is for. He wants to bring attention to things in our culture that seem to be being ignored (like the pox infected blackets that were used in the genocide of the naive Americans). He likes the immediacy of sketching and avoiding the computer. I would ask him something reffering to his unique style.

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