Saturday, March 7, 2009


Watching the Sagmeister presentation I was intrigued by how the design that he saw around him helps him decide which way to turn in his life. Also I liked the lists that he made, and how they later influenced the choices in design. I agree with Gahmeister that design can make you happy, and I think some one who enjoys his job as much as he does and you being able to tell makes him a popular designer. He's enthusiastic, brave and innovative.

Then I watched Jonathan Harris: The Web's secret stories. He talked about this world wide experiment. So a computer scans the web for the words "I feel" or "I am feeling" on blogs, then it takes the sentence that contains in, runs some kind of crazy computer diagnostics to determine the age, sex, and location of the blogger who posted the sentence. It then complies these phrases in a database that you can file though. This database organizes the information and it is like a candid interview with the world. You can search through these feelings, and search through the people and their photographs and this is all on a running bases.

The thought of this was really amazing, the fact that millions of emotions are floating (literally) around this site and true candid feelings are being reflected.

Then I watched
Chris Jordan: Picturing excess. He created art that reflected stunning statistics of behaviors that we are unaware of. For example, he created a piece reflecting the fact the one in four americans are imprisoned. He showed 2.3 million, which is the number of americans who were incarcerated in 2005. He showed 2.3 million prison uniforms the size of nickels on its edge, the canvas is 6 pieces of canvas, each 10 x 25 ft wide. His pieces were moving and showed a literal number that people can look at all at once and see first hand what it looks like.

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