Since 2006 they have been making a magazine, videos, and events for people who give a damn.
The website is an ongoing exploration of what GOOD is and what it can be. Like I said, Good is great.
The number one topic of Good seems to be how we can make the world a better (Gooder?) and more happy place to live. Many of the videos and information graphics give information about consumption of non renewable resources, what designers and others are doing to help, and the like. Good chucks this information in your face with witty and well designed videos (some graphic and some interview style y'know with real people and such), graphic imagery, and articles.
Another thing I enjoyed about the Good website is the use of the new Apple Mac Book ad.

Mmmmm yeah. I love the new ad, its clean (Apple duh) and informative, fun and awesome. Plus, their new Mac Book Pros are highly recyclable, with less packaging and a battery that can last up to 5 years!
Ok I thought the video on internet cencorship was well done, it had a direct theme and took it to the next level, by using clever yet unperdictable interpretations of what is being said. I think the reason why is is a nice piece is because it has a color pallette, it makes good use of imagery and it has a clean legible type usage to reflect the clean legible voice being hear. In addition, the use of the cirlce and the single line is done well. The like guides you to the text and often transforms to create something.
Many of thier graphic videos seem to have the same look. But they have some live action videos as well. Goods main focus seems to be getting information out to people using different media. This one is targeted at children.
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