Friday, March 20, 2009

Adventures in Type

My Spring break lacked the adventures that I normally attempt to seek, so I decided to sum up my break with typography, and incorporate my journal entry of course.

My break began on Mass Street
Type on the ground

Urban Outfitters are selling typographyI fell in love with this 't'

More type on the ground, check out the little half serifs on the r and s

Foreign typography
I love the look of this on Liberty Hall!
Distorted type
A nice Logo
Can't go wrong with hand type

This was my favorite, and painted, faded.
Glowing type

Next a little ghost town hunting!
Sorry to say we had hardly any success
but we did find the site of the battle of
Black Jack a town from the 1800's.
There was a memorial park with actual
wagon ruts from the Santa Fe Trail. What
is left of the town of Black Jack is
on private property, of course.


Alexandra Avila said...

ghost town!?!? AHHH no way would I ever go there!

i like the big A. where was that at?

Alyissa Johnson said...

the big A was at Urban outfitters, they actually have some cool type stuff. Like those letters and some other styles and this rug I really want.

My friend is really into ghosts and I tag along kinda hoping to see something but not really. and I think they tore down what was left of the ghost town :(