Sunday, February 15, 2009

Type In Motion

I think the simple transitions makes all these Youtube videos seem the same, sure there are some that are more creative than others, but all more or less the same. text spelling out what is being said word for word or syllable by syllable, sometimes twisting to the left or right, growing or changing color.
I found the ones above to be out of the norm.

the first one has good transitions and a unique uses of positive and negative.
the second I liked how we can follow the smokey red stuff.
the third has good use of image and text as image.
the fourth uses a whole body of text and takes us through it, instead of going word for word.
the fifth one was able to keep my attention, it has good use of text as image and transitions that are simple but never used twice.

I thought the font choice in this one was good. They fit the personality of the voices and the sound level as well with size contrast. The movement of the type is probably my favorite part. I liked how the previous set of words still can be seen at some points.

Fight Club
In this one I liked the use of texture in the background and the way the screen seems to move. The way the text moves in relation to what is being said is nice. I also like how text is reused for more than one sentence by using size and color.And unlike most of the other videos I watched this one used overlapping text, at least it is more effective in this example.

The Matrix

I thought the transition speed was nice, the way the text blurred as it moved. Also this one uses imagery which I thought added something extra, that may not have been needed if the text was more dynamic.

In this one I like how the text looks. It has a drop shadow and fits well with the (attempted?) sophistication of the scene. I think this one stood out for me because of how the word 'wow...' was handled, I thought it was done well and reflected the way is was said.

In this one I liked how the text moves quickly but never moves the same way twice, it zooms forward and back, left and right, up and down in various ways. I thought the use of image was more successful here than in many of the others I saw.