Sunday, January 25, 2009

Concept Statement/Audience Persona

Concept Statement:
Reader Beware, You're In For a Scare! Frightful tales that will make you shiver with fear, that keep you guessing at ever chapter. These tales will pull you in and have your eyes glued to the page, once you are finished you will be screaming for more!

Reader Beware, You're In For a Scare! Tales of horror and suspense that will keep you captivated. These Exciting adventures are filled with twists and turns, chilling monsters and will keep you guessing after every chapter!

After these shocking tales of horror and suspense you will be screaming for more! Stories of chilling adventures with creepy characters will keep you captivated page after page. Reader Beware, You're In For a Scare!

Audience Persona:
George is a rough and tumble boy from Tulsa Oklahoma. He is in the 5th grade and during recess is always in the fields playing football with his classmates. His mother has a tough time getting him indoors to do his homework. Lately George has fallen behind in his reading level and his mother wants to make reading fun for him. One day after George's football practice his mother takes him to the bookstore and tells him he can pick out two books. His mother takes him around the young readers section showing him book after book. George shows little interest. Then out of the corner of his eye something catches George's attention. It's gross and creepy, he shows immediate interest and picks out two more from the series. His mother is happy to see George reading his new book in the car on the way home.

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